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WARNING: the dangers of  the Blue Pill

Thinking that the Blue Pill is the way to go, the Blue Pill will provide you with comfort and security and stability and order will involve great costs to those that use that approach to life.  It will imperil a society dominated by this type of uncritical thinking.  It exposes those who use it to greater risks of infections and diseases as they will not use the latest scientific findings about the causes of illnesses and the spread of disease. It permits people to hold stereotypical and prejudicial notions of other peoples and to act on false claims.  It supports racist and sexist ideas and practices and other forms of irrational discriminations and injustices based on uncritical beliefs. It subjects practitioners of the Blue Pill path to victimization by charlatans and hucksters and those that operate ponzi schemes based on irrational hope. The Blue Pill path is attractive to those with concern for self over others and for the present over the long term but it too often proves to be quite the opposite of what was hoped for when choosing the Blue Pill.

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